
Fondazione Sanità e Ricerca is located in the in the XII municipality of Rome (Monteverde District), which falls under the competence of the Local Health Service, Roma 3. Situated in a central neighbourhood, which is well served by public transport, the facility is easy to reach from any part of the city.


Fondazione Sanità e Ricerca

Via Alessandro Poerio, 100 - 00152 Roma

Telephone +39 06 588991 – Telefax  +30 06 5818619

E-mail: accoglienza@fondazionesr.it

Web: www.fondazionesanitaericerca.it



BUS number 75

Termini: P.zza Indipendenza > Via A. Poerio

TRAM number 8

Termini: L.go Argentina > Via  del Casaletto


FL3 Quattro Venti, on foot for 700 mt
FL1-FL3-FL5 Trastevere, on foot for 900 mt